The Tiny Ghost Newsletter, edition #21, January 19, 2023
Hey spooky spooker!

Happy new year! I hope you had an amazing festive period. Yes, things went a little quiet here at Tiny Ghost over the holidays. I was totally intending to keep up the newsletter, for at least one more edition in 2022, but decided to take a much needed break as I spent time away and with family.
But I'm back , feeling refreshed and so excited about what 2023 has in store! We have four amazing books coming out this year that I know you'll love and many more things in the works. So I thought I could share some of the exciting things that are coming up!
Obviously the next big release we're gearing up for is Monstersona by Chloe Spencer. Godzilla meets Thelma and Louise, as two girls flee their home town after it's destroyed by an unseen monster, taking to the road only to discover they're being chased by men with guns, mad scientists, and one monstrous secret. Monstersona tackles themes of grief, trauma, bodily autonomy, and of course it has a little romance too.
Monstersona comes out February 14, the perfect Valentines read! And is available for pre-order now! I've said this before but pre-orders are really important for helping spread the word, to promote our books, and to see them in bookshops, so if you're able I'd urge you to consider snatching up your copy in advance!
Also keep an eye out for author Q&As and launch events closer to the release date!
Next up, our Spring release, Against The Stars, is a speculative and heart-wrenching romance from UK author Christopher Hartland. This one was tough to edit mostly because of all the tears! This book sees two boys from very different backgrounds thrown together when one of them sees a glimpse of their future together. But what happens when the other discovers their romance wasn't organic? And what happens when there are no more glimpses of the future? Can they survive the end of the world?
Against The Stars explores destiny, privilege, and class divides, and you'll be reaching for the tissues for sure! It's out April 18 and available to pre-order now!!! Are you ready to break your heart?
Our next title, arriving in October of this year, we've yet to announce but rest assured you will be gagged, gooped, and guffawed by this scary yet heartfelt story! I'm really pumped about this one and cannot wait to share it with you. We are hoping to make a proper announcement soon, with a cover reveal to follow shortly, so keep your grapes (eyes) peeled! For now though my lips are sealed.
And finally, the follow up to what I've started calling the surprize hit of 2022, Chasing The Alpha's Son is coming in December! We'll be doing a cover reveal shortly and discussing some more details of the sequel to The Alpha's Son, so stay tuned, but for now I can let you know that the story picks up three months after the events of the first book with Max still determined to find a way to penetrate Jasper's cold exterior and having little luck. Things will heat up when our boys are thrown together once again in this sequel which expands Penny Jessup's world from the first book, with new locations and new characters, and explores themes of community and self worth. Make sure you're subscribed to this newsletter for all updates and announcements regarding Chasing The Alpha's Son.

Along with our four titles we have lots more in store for you, the reader, and as a company in 2023. We're growing our team (can you imagine?!) and pumping up things on the promotional side, and planning some really fun events, giveaways, and more. I'd love to let you get to know the team and how things work at Tiny Ghost some more this year, and will be continuing to document our process and keep you up to date on the running of the company via this newsletter.
We're also looking ahead to 2024 and planning our catalogue for the coming year, we're still on the hunt for manuscripts so if you have a queer YA book with a spooky twist knocking about, we'd love to read it. Check out our submissions page for details on how to send us your work.
2022 was an amazing year for Tiny Ghost, we released our first three titles and we've met some amazing readers online and IRL. I'm really excited about what we have to offer in 2023 and can't wait to share everything with you!
I hope your year has started off with a bang and lots of books.
Stay scary,
Josh x
